

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” – Song of Songs 6:3

I was going through old photos today and ran across this one. I can’t believe that my husband and I have been together for 4.5 years. It doesn’t seem like that much time has passed already from two little 18 year olds too nervous to hold hands to two 23 year olds who are married and bought a house together. 

Throughout these 4.5 years, Anthony has shown me the definition of true love. As cheesy as it may sound. He’s constantly proving that someone can come into my life and no matter how much I fail, he won’t leave. He is every single prayer answered. He is everything that is good in this world. I’ve yet to meet someone who hasn’t said, “I really like Anthony.” Because he is a wonderful friend and a friendly conversation. 

When I think back to our first few moments together, I would never have thought we’d be where we are today. God truly has had His hands upon this relationship. He continues to bless us both individually and as a whole. I know deep in my heart that Anthony was created perfectly for me. He balances me out, and he completed the empty parts of my being. He’s brave and outgoing where I’m more shy and I’m scared of everything. He’s good with numbers and well-rounded with knowledge. He’s strong and grounded. 

He’s the leader of our small family and he puts the Lord as our foundation. Always seeking Him first in all we do. He is my unborn children’s father who already loves them with all his heart. 

4.5 years of laughter, valleys and peaks, tears, hard work, and falling easily. He’s 4.5 years of smiles on my face and happiness in my heart.

Anthony, I pray for 4.5 million more years with you. Thank you for loving me so fiercely and so honestly. You’re definitely my better half. 

Young Love 

Young Love 

I believe in young love. 

I believe in marriages under the age of 25, I believe in high school sweethearts, I believe in young military couples, and I believe in soulmates. 

The thing is, no one gets to tell you when you’re ready to be in love nor who you get to fall in love with. They can’t tell your heart, “you aren’t ready” because your heart already knows you are. It knew the moment your significant other talked to you for first time and your heart did this fluttering feeling and words didn’t form right out of your mouth. You were starstruck and your heart was saying, “Lord have mercy.” Meanwhile, God was doing a little jig upstairs because you had found the person He created for you. 

I believe in young couples who know they don’t have to date 10 people to find the 1 person they want to spend forever with. I believe in young couples who get married in their early twenties sometimes even younger, and while the rest of their friends think they’re crazy, I’m applauding them. 

Some of my friends thought it was crazy that I married at 21 years old. That I hadn’t lived life enough to know that Anthony was my dude forever. That I hadn’t experienced enough because I didn’t want to sleep around with guys and instead chose one guy to fall asleep to every night for the rest of my life. They thought I was insane when I was 18 years old (when I first started dating Anthony) and I told them I knew I would marry him one day. But I didn’t think it was strange or weird at all. It was right. It was right from the beginning and from the first time I looked into those huge brown eyes. It was right when my heart fluttered and words didn’t form right out of my mouth so I just listened to him talk instead. It was right when minutes felt like hours because time was endless around him. It was right when he placed a ring on my finger and it was right when I said I DO. 

I believe in young couples who have their lives together. Hear me young wives and husbands when I say there is nothing wrong with you. Your friends will think differently of you because you’re married. They will stop inviting you to certain things and they won’t be around as often. Don’t worry. It’s not because they stopped liking you once your last name changed or once you became “tied down.” You’re just in a different phase of life and one day they will join you. And they will see and understand the true awesomeness that marriage is. But in the mean time, love them and remind them they aren’t forgotten just because you’re married. And I think they will return that feeling to you too. 

But also know that it’s ok to say no and stay home with your spouse or do things just with your spouse. It’s not a crime to not want to go out and party when your spouse isn’t home. It’s ok to want to stay home and watch reruns of Friends and eat tacos with your spouse when your friends want to go do something. Your marriage is important and it’s the most important relationship you have. But friendships are important too, so make sure to make time for them. 

I am extremely grateful I met Anthony as young as I did. I get to love him longer and growing up together has been so much fun. Whether I was 18 or 55, I would have picked Anthony. I knew from the get-go he was who I wanted. 

Young love is real and it’s good. I hope you find your true love and they bring you all the happiness in the world. I know that I wouldn’t change a thing about mine. 

Did you meet your spouse at a young age? I would love to hear your story 🙂 Comment below! 
I pray God continues to bless each and every young couple and marriage. 💕
Always from my heart, 
