Young, Married, Best Decision.

Young, Married, Best Decision.


What I’ve learned about being a young wife in today’s world is this:

your marriage is more important than going out Friday night.

your husband is truly your best friend.

you will lose friends due to the fact you are a team and you stand by your teammate.

your relationship with your husband should be your top priority.

starting a family is not as easy as it sounds.

love takes on a whole new meaning once married.

fights don’t end in breakups anymore, they should end in I’m sorry’s, I love you’s, and lets never go to bed angry at each other.

people will tell you, “You’re married. You don’t understand.” Even though once upon a time you were single (insert eye roll + face palm here)

you will pray for your single female friends even more to find the man of their dreams + a man who respects them, sees their true beauty, and who deserves them.

you will want to start a wife club – i know i do hahahaha

you will feel lonely at times and the comfort of your spouse is the best cure

the romance shouldn’t stop but be multiplied.

never stop going out on dates.

never stop pursuing your spouse.

the sweet gifts you used to give each other during the honeymoon phase might be fewer in between, but they now mean so much more.

the Lord always provides.

when the world tells you that you aren’t beautiful, you come home every night to someone who thinks you are too beautiful for the world.

a warm body next to you during winter nights helps you sleep easier.

and most importantly, I’ve learned that being young + married was the best choice I ever made. Even though there will always be voices around me giving me a hard time for becoming a wife so young, I know that saying yes to Anthony is a better life than I would have had alone. I’m beyond thankful for my husband and the love we share. The Lord is good my friends and He has created someone special for each and every one of us in the right timing.


Are you a young wife? Let’s chat! I would love to hear your love story. Or maybe you’re in a serious relationship and you’re about to become engaged, currently engaged, whatever it may be! I would love to hear from you + chat about what you’ve learned from being a young wife in this world today.


xoxo, Bryce


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